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Fire Safety Training to Improve The Safety Ability of The Workers

3rd-4th August 2022, BMT Asia Indonesia management conducted the comprehensive fire safety training (in collaboration with HSE Team of PT Bhumyamca Sekawan Building Management) to the valued BMT Asia Indonesia office workers. The training was held within 2 days at CIBIS 9 Building and CIBIS Park area. 

The Fire Safety Training consisted of 3 main matters, 1st was about basic theory of fire safety, 2nd was about different type of active and passive fire extinguishers, and last but not least, the 3rd was about how to operate active fire extinguisher (type ABC, CO2  fire extinguisher, and we cloth). 

Everyone’s a safety leader is approach to effective safety leadership that BMT Asia Management use to implement safety managemeny system, and It starts with provide the workers with safety knowledge such as this fire safety training, Instead of just telling them what to do when fire incident happen around us, invite them to fire drill activity gave them valuable insight and experience, so they feel more invested in safety efforts. Hopefully, after BMT Asia Indonesia Management conducted this fire safety training activity, It could give all the participants knowledge and the ability to protect, even to prevent themselves from fire incident at anywhere, and anytime.

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