• admin.support@bmtindonesia.com
  • (62) 21 7827639 / 7820827
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WebGIS Based Sampling Data

An Ideal Dashboard

Our WEB-GIS provides a comprehensive sampling dataset for customers after going through several stages of analysis by expert analysts. Several sampling parameters (desalinated wastewater,produced water, clean water, emission (emission air, etc.) will be analyzed for their quality standards so that users can determine the level of quality standards for these parameters by accessing the WEB-GIS. Users can only access WEB-GIS if there are relevant projects at a certain time duration and at coordinates according to the scope of work.

Developing Customer Historical Data Sampling WEB-GIS can collect several customer sampling parameter data continuously, so that if there is a project in the same location as the coordinates of the sampling location, the user can know in detail the characteristics of the parameters in the duration of time. Furthermore, our customers can analyze the factors that cause changes in parameter values from aspects of the surrounding environment.

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