• admin.support@bmtindonesia.com
  • (62) 21 7827639 / 7820827

Metocean Study and Surveys

BMT performance monitoring helps reduce risk in the offshore environment by keeping operators informed about the state of the environment and the platform or floating facility in real time for the life of a field. Operational risk reduction and operating cost savings are the key benefits for commissioning a long-term metocean monitoring system which can be integrated with multiple sub-systems.

Metocean data generated from our monitoring systems provides indispensable information for validating the integrity and behavior of offshore assets. Our highly qualified ocean engineers provide consulting to the offshore and marine industries and government agencies on all aspects of interpretation and understanding of marine systems.

Our Metocean Monitoring Services:

  • Monitor local metocean data across a fleet of regional offshore asset
  • Measure the metocean (wave, current profile, meteorological) conditions in-situ at the asset location

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